Monday, October 24, 2005

In Between Here and There Is War

To catapult your image into our inane and inept culture is so easy at first, your first volley successful; and so attractive too, but, as you cross the moat and enter into the layers of the fortress of "life" you realize that the victory would be so much less easily won than you planned at the outset. Allies fall, wounds mount, the fight becomes expensive on so many fronts. And so the siege begins. On the one side our world stands firm, behind it darkened walls, all the intrigue so desired, hidden behind the shadow of fire and pain; on the other side there is you and your army of curiosity, desire, and flesh torn up from fighting unknowingly for the enemy, yet for themselves. the paradox of selfishness and our culture: the thing you seek is the thing you serve.
and at night, when all the lights go down, and all you see is fire and all you hear are the painful cries of your own heart arguing against your mind as strategy is invented, the moment comes. a final volley, a final attempt---or, or, maybe your better side will win out, and, just maybe, you'll reverse field and crawl away, your attempt at getting in swallowed up by your realization that there is something more real than whats inside that castle of our world. and you will raise up your army of thought, reason, and faith and seek out a more true victory. Seek a castle where the doors are open, just waiting for the inquiring mind, the inspired soul, the faithful heart, to cross the moat and enter. A castle built on cornerstones of truth, of beauty, of life; Paved with heaven's hope, decorated with the jewels of eternity's Joy. Which castle will you barrage? Which victory do you desire? Which battle are you fighting?
There's one to win, and one to lose. And tommorrow's hope depends upon your choice.

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